Statement on Burdett Birth Center Announcement

The Troy Area Labor Council (TALC) celebrates today’s announcement by Saint Peters’ Health Partners (SPHP) executives and Assemblymember John McDonald to maintain maternity care at the Burdett Birth Center at Samaritan Hospital for at least five more years.
This victory would not have been possible without the organizing efforts of parents, nurses, birthworkers, labor unions, and community organizations who made up the Save Burdett Coalition. We also credit Assemblymember McDonald for his singular and tireless efforts and collaboration with the Save Burdett Coalition. Because of sustained pressure and organizing, SPHP executives are reversing their plans to close the sole remaining maternity ward in Rensselaer County, ensuring high quality and accessible midwife-led maternity care for the county and greater Capital District.
The fight is not over. SPHP is currently in contract negotiations with New York State Nurses Association at Ellis Hospital and Bellevue Women’s Center in Schenectady County, where they are trying to cut services and reduce nurse staffing. We stand in solidarity with NYSNA members in their fight for a fair contract that prioritizes safe staffing and patient care.
Let this be a warning to SPHP. Communities across the Capital District will not let overpaid executives pad their own pockets while they try to cut services and take quality care out of reach for patients.